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Hey, what’s up? I’m Darby Rollins - world’s first Jasper user and founder of The AI Author - and in this micro-course, you'll learn how to streamline your workflows to create better content at scale, faster using AI without the dreaded Curse of the Blinking Cursor or Prompt Paralysis that comes from AI content creation.

You'll also be introduced to the Jasper syntax, how to engineer prompts, stack commands, and automate workflows to save time and grow your business.

Who is this training for?

This training is for:

  • Authors
  • Marketers
  • Offer Owners
  • Coaches
  • Small Business Owners
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Agencies
  • Copywriters

Pretty much anyone who wants to leverage AI to create better content faster and grow their business. The content and demonstrations in this training can be applied immediately - just bear in mind we are using tools like Jasper that require an account to use - we’ll cover how to get these tools in more detail inside this training… 

The reason I put this training together is because the sad fact is, creating content can be a time-consuming and tedious process, especially if you're having to do it on a regular basis. 

For years I struggled creating content for my business. 

This is often the case for businesses that need to consistently produce content, such as blog posts, social media updates, email newsletters, ebooks, etc.

In order to solve this problem, many businesses are turning to AI-powered content creation tools and services that promise to streamline the content creation process. However, these tools can often be inefficient and may not always produce the results you're looking for.

This is where AutoScripting comes in.

What is AutoScripting?

AutoScripting is the process of creating custom workflows and recipes using the Jasper syntax in order to automate the content creation process. 

This means that you and your team can create better content, faster and at scale, without having to spend a lot of money on expensive tools and services OR sacrificing quality.

If you're someone who often finds themselves bogged down by the tedious and time-consuming aspects of content creation, dread the Curse of the Blinking Cursor, or have experienced "Prompt Paralysis" when creating content with AI, then AutoScripting is for you.

You see, learning this process I am sharing with you today, you will naturally improve the way you “talk” to Jasper or ANY AI content tool and get better outputs as a result.

Whether you're a content creator, marketer, or entrepreneur, AutoScripting can help you save time and money while creating high-quality content that grows your business.

There are many benefits to using this process, including:

1. Streamlining your content creation workflow to save time, money and energy

2. Creating better content, faster and at scale

4. Producing content that generates high-quality leads to grow your business

5. Spending less time staring at a blank screen and more time doing whatever makes you happy.

First, to understand the foundation of AutoScripting, we'll cover the Jasper Syntax. Then, we'll show you how to engineer prompts, stack commands, and create custom recipes to use inside Jasper. Finally, we'll provide a summary of the key points covered in this micro-course and some action steps for you to take in order to streamline your content creation workflow today.

Let's dive in.

Jasper Syntax

Jasper is a powerful AI content creation platform that can be used to streamline and automate the content creation process. The Jasper syntax consists of a set of variables, prompts, and commands that can be used to perform various actions, such as brainstorming and creating new content like blog posts, social media captions, newsletters, sales pages, books, VSLs, and the list goes on...

At its core, Jasper is an NLP (natural language processing) tool that helps assist humans in creating content. This means Jasper can understand human language and generate content accordingly - and it leads the market in almost all categories of AI content creation, backed by a growing community of 70,000+ marketers and content creators. It’s the perfect sidekick for AI content creation.

Jasper originally was trained off a program called GTP-3, which downloaded about 10% of the ENTIRE internet in 2019. Since then, the team of engineers at Jasper has trained the tool on a wide variety of different frameworks to improve the outputs regularly. Last I checked, GTP-3 and Jasper are able to reference content up to 2021 - which is great news because that means Jasper keeps improving and will continue getting better over time - so there's no better time to start learning how to leverage this powerful tool to grow your business.

In order to use Jasper and follow along with what we are doing in this training, you'll first need to create an account. If you don't have one already, you can get started for free with 10,000 words added to your account when you sign-up at theaiauthor.com/jasper.

Once you've created your account, you'll be able to access the Jasper interface. The interface consists of a dashboard to monitor the credits used in your account and a workspace where you can write and edit your content.

Jasper also comes with a number of pre-built content templates that you can use to get started with your content creation. These templates can be found in the "Templates" tab on the left-hand side of the interface.

In addition, you'll see that Jasper also includes "Recipes" which are sets of predefined workflows using prompts and commands that can be used to automate workflows. Recipes can be found in the "Recipes'' tab on the left-hand side of the interface.

"Recipes" will require a Boss Mode plan to activate and are well worth it if you plan to create long-form content or other forms of content at scale.

At The AI Author, we've created a digital Cookbook that is FREE for Jasper users to use as a companion when creating AI-generated content to get better outputs and provide more context for what's going on "under the hood" of Jasper.

You can access this free Cookbook with no opt-in required by going to theaiauthor.com/cookbook for the most updated version.

The Cookbook includes a number of different content creation "recipes" that you can follow as you begin creating your own prompts, commands, and recipes in Jasper.

So go to theaiauthor.com/cookbook now and bookmark your copy for future use.

We'll cover "Recipes" and show you around the Cookbook in more detail in a bit, but first... let's keep moving on the Jasper syntax.

First and foremost, you'll need to be familiar with the following 3 components that make up the AutoScripting process:

  • Prompt Engineering
  • Command Stacking
  • Workflow Automation

Prompt Engineering

The process of creating custom questions, variables, and commands to produce desired, repeatable results from content generated from AI

Command Stacking

Taking a series of proven commands that string together to compound on themselves and produce a specific outcome when combined with your variables and prompts.

Workflow Automation

Create your own Jasper recipe once you’ve engineered prompts and stacked your commands to produce a repeatable workflow that streamlines your content creation.

*Prompt Engineering, Command Stacking, and Workflow Automation are the "building blocks" that altogether make up the AutoScripting process. We will be referencing individually with demonstrations in action throughout this micro-course.

Variables ( [Variables]= )

Variables can be updated in the Content Brief to reference specific prompts, commands, or values. They help focus Jasper's attention so it can provide better outputs.

Prompts ( {Prompt} )

Prompts are used to ask the user for input, such as the title of a blog post, the name of a product, who the customer is, etc. These prompts can be paired with Variables to give Jasper better context to your inputs inside the Content Brief inside each Template or when using Boss Mode.

Commands ( > Command )

A command indicates the direction given to Jasper based on the information provides from your prompts and other variables, telling him what you want him to do. Hint: Commands are almost always indicated by ( > ) at the beginning of the line.

For More Command Examples & Ideas: 


Blinders ( *** )

These *** put "blinders" on Jasper to not look back and reference any content above in Boss Mode. Since Jasper can reference up to 3000 characters for context as it writes, the use of *** will help you keep Jasper focused throughout your workflow.

Now that you know the basics of the Jasper syntax, let's take a look at how you can use it to automate your content creation workflow.

Wait... What are Recipes?

If you're like most people, you probably think that recipes are only for cooking food. But did you know that recipes can also be used for writing content? That's right, Jasper recipes can help you streamline your writing process and scale your content production.

In this section, we'll discuss the benefits of using recipes for content creation and show you some of the top recipes that have been created by the Jasper community. 

So whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, this article showcases a range of recipes that can help you supercharge your content production!

Here's what we're gonna cover...

1. What are recipes?

2. How can recipes help you with content creation?

3. Top recipes from the Jasper community

4. Conclusion

Ready? Let's get cookin'!

What are recipes?

Recipes are pre-build workflows based on frameworks or processes that allow you to run a series of commands in sequence to generate a desired piece of content in rapid fashion.

Unfortunately, many Jasper users today are barely scratching the surface of how to use recipes to their full potential - or even what they are.

If that’s you? That’s okay. You’re in the right place to learn about recipes. Whether you’re new to Jasper or an existing user and want to take your Jasper skills to the next level, recipes and Boss Mode is the key that you’ve been missing if you want to streamline your workflow and scale up your content production.

Inside the Jasper Bootcamp, you’ll also find a helpful Recipe section that breaks down each aspect of recipes in more detail. I recommend everyone take that bootcamp before beginning with using recipes so you have a solid foundation of Jasper before starting.

Recipes are essentially a series of specific commands strung together that tell Jasper to write a piece of content or at least provide it direction to brainstorm ideas. Recipes use "commands" that you give Jasper to deliver a specific outcome for a project or piece of content.

This could be in a video sales letter, landing page, or a book for a chapter to name a few.

Basically, it’s the specific commands we give Jasper to do a specific thing for example “Write me an intro for a book chapter about {TOPIC}”. Then Jasper will take the information in the content brief and what it already knows from downloading 10% of the internet and the ‘Title’, ‘Keywords’ and ‘Tone of Voice’ you want to use and do exactly what you asked it to: write an intro for a chapter about your topic. 

Then you run the following commands and format to build your content out inside your recipe. 

But before you start running commands, you should always start with your Content Brief.

Here's a breakdown of what that is and the process I use and teach for approaching Jasper. The goal here is to provide a little bit more detail for you to understand the CONTEXT you will be giving Jasper before you begin running the commands in the recipe.


Update your title with what the content is primarily about. What's the topic? Answer that here.

Content Brief 

The content brief is the meat and potatoes of how we get the most out of Jasper. It is by far the #1 skill you will need to focus on and master in order to get Jasper to work in the way that you want it to work. It’s the 80/20 of success in Jasper (in my opinion) and you need to practice improving your content brief to unlock the full power of Jasper.

You currently have 600 characters to give Jasper this context on the left side of Boss Mode. Jasper also references up to 3000 characters above when writing, which it builds upon. So the better your outputs, the better the results will build on each other. Spend the extra time nailing these questions for your specific topic, and you can then reuse this content brief over and over again, modifying when it makes sense to update the context and improve the outputs from Jasper.


What is the concept, topic, or idea you want to relate to the reader?

  • The first thing I’d like you to take away from this book is.....
  • The second thing I’d like you to take away from this book is.....
  • The third thing I’d like you to take away from this book is.....


Where does this concept, topic, or idea, apply to your reader?

  • Where are they stuck right now...
  • What are their biggest problems...
  • Where do they want to improve...


Why does this matter? Why will they want to read this? What are the main benefits your reader will receive from reading this content?

  • When you finish this content you will achieve...
  • You will then achieve....
  • Then achieve...


Who is this content for? If you had to picture your ideal reader, the best person you want to attract with this content, who would that be?

  • This is for....
  • It also helps...
  • and helps....


  • Is there a concept of time involved?
  • What’s the urgency for them getting this done?
  • Why do they need to read this book right now?


How will they achieve this goal? Is your content a complete guide, a 90 day process, a step-by-step, a deep intervention?

  • This content is a....
  • This content contains...
  • This content will teach you....
  • Inside of this content you will learn...

Replace the content with whatever form you are creating. Books, blogs, product descriptions etc. Keep in mind that these prompts will reflect the content you are looking to write. Think of Jasper as a friend sitting across the coffee table from you. You want them to write you something. If you aren’t clear with what you want, they will give you a broad answer, or something in left field entirely. The more specific and focused you can be in directing what you want, the better the chance the outputs from your friend (Jasper in this case) will give you content you can work with, modify/edit, and continue to expand on.

Tone of Voice (Why It Matters)

Tone of Voice is one of the more subtle, yet most impactful, features of the context you provide Jasper. Here you’re adding the tone of voice of how you want Jasper to sound when it’s creating content. This works best with voices that are really prominent online as Jasper pulls from the internet and can reference how certain people’s content comes across if they have enough of it online. Joe Rogan is a fun one to play around with. Oprah, Tim Ferriss, Ben Greenfield. Experts and thought leaders with distinctly different tones can help Jasper match what you’re looking for. When we use it to write we like to pick a prominent authority in the topic that we are writing about. So if we’re writing a motivational book, Tony Robbins or Gary Vaynerchuk might be one of the people we use as a tone of voice. Pairing these celebrities with adjectives can bring Jasper to life. Reference the 101 Tones of Voice Recipe in The AI Author Cookbook for ideas around what descriptive tones you can also pair with your writing in Jasper.


If you’re writing for SEO purposes or if you want Jasper to include any specific words or phrases, add those keywords to the left side of your Boss Mode, in the area below the content brief.

Pro Tip: Save "Winning" Content

Anytime you find a winning content brief, tone of voice, or title, make sure you save them for reuse later. Often you will update your content brief throughout a recipe, so I usually keep a section set aside near the top of my recipe where I paste these winners for future reference. This will not only save you time creating new content briefs every time for similar projects - but you'll also update and improve it over time so it gets better the more you use it!

How Can Recipes Help You with Content Creation?

One of the key benefits of recipes is that they allow you to quickly generate content in a variety of formats. By following a set sequence of steps, you can create videos, blogs, or social media posts with relative ease. Additionally, recipes provide a structure for your content that can help you stay on track and ensure that your final product is of high quality.

Creating content can be a time-consuming process and recipes can help you to be more efficient and produce better results. If you are struggling to come up with new ideas, or if you find that your content is not as good as it could be, consider using recipes to help you improve your workflow.

There are a few different ways to use recipes for content creation. You can either follow an existing recipe, or you can create your own. If you choose to follow an existing recipe, there are many different options available online in your Recipes Dashboard and Jasper Community

We also offer a wide variety of community built recipes, training, and support for our Cookbook+ members creating and sharing their own recipe.

If you decide to create your own recipe, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it is important to start with a clear idea of what you want to create. Once you have a good understanding of your goal, you can begin to put together a sequence of steps that will help you achieve it.

It is also important to consider the format of your content. Will you be creating a video, a blog post, or a social media update? Each requires different types of content and has different requirements. Make sure that your recipe is set up to deliver the type of content you need in the best format possible. But don’t forget minor adjustment to your inputs can make all the difference in outputs. 

For example, switching the word “blog outline” to “book outline” may breed different outputs depending on your topic. And if you are going for longer form content, guiding Jasper by way of the book tends to help produce longer strings of quality outputs.

Finally, remember to test your recipe many times over. This will help you to catch any errors and to make sure that the recipe is as effective as possible. Once you are confident that your recipe is ready, put it into action and enjoy the results!

In the Workflow Automation section later in this micro-course, I cover how to create a custom recipe step-by-step. So stick around for that.

Top Jasper Recipes To Streamline Your Content Creation Workflow

Discover the some of the top recipes that have been created by the Jasper community in an article I wrote for Jasper’s blog at theaiauthor.com/top-recipes

So now that you know a little bit more about recipes, you can see where we are ending up in the AutoScripting process to streamline workflows using recipes. 

At the end of this training, we will walk step-by-step through the recipe creation process including a recipe template for making your own. 

Now, it’s time to jump into Part 1 of the AutoScripting process: Prompt Engineering.

Part I: Prompt Engineering

One of the most powerful features of the Jasper syntax is the ability to create custom prompts. Prompts are used to ask the user for input, such as the title of a blog post, the name of a product, etc.

The process of prompt engineering ultimately means creating custom questions, variables, and context to form prompts that produce desired, repeatable results from AI-generated content.

DEMO: Creating Prompts Using Variables In The Commands Template

DEMO: Idea Generation Recipe

Now, let's see how this works when creating a video sales letter with a combo of the Mini-VSL Template + Custom Recipe created with Jon Benson, $1B Copywriter & CopyPro CEO.

DEMO: Mini-VSL Template & Recipe

Now that you know how to engineer prompts, we’ll discuss how to use these prompts with more commands to start streamlining your content workflow.

Part II: Command Stacking

In addition to creating custom prompts, you can also create custom commands that "stack" using the Jasper syntax. Commands are used to tell Jasper what you want him to do, based on the information you have given him.

This process usually consists of a series of proven commands that string together to compound on themselves and produce a specific outcome when combined with the right input (from the user) - this is where the prompts you have engineered come in.

Here’s an example of how to create short form content such as Twitter threads or TikTok/Reels video scripts.

DEMO: Twitter Threads Recipe for Short Form Content

This next example is the best-kept secret of how to use Jasper for writing books and other types of long form content.

DEMO: Fast Book Chapter Writing Recipe / Long Form Content

Now let’s put Part 1 and Part II together and automate our workflow.

Part III: Workflow Automation

As you can see, one of the most powerful features of the Jasper syntax is the ability to create custom recipes. With pre-build workflows that can be executed in order to automate a task, such as the creation of a new blog post or book chapter, you can save time and streamline your process using AI to scale your content production.

In this section, I’ll show you how to create your own Jasper recipe once you’ve engineered prompts and stacked your commands.

This process takes refining as you will improve your workflows over time and update your recipes to continue improving your process.

Now that you know the basics of the Jasper syntax, let's dive into how to create a custom Jasper recipe.

DEMO: Creating A Custom Jasper Recipe to Streamline Workflows Using “New Recipe” Template

The AI Author Workflow

In this section, you'll learn about the AI Author Workflow and how it can help you create content faster and more efficiently. You'll also discover the tools and tech stack that make up this workflow so that you can start using it immediately.

I used to spend hours writing and editing my articles, only to end up feeling burnt out and frustrated. But then I discovered Jasper and developed The AI Author Workflow and everything changed. Not only was I able to write my articles faster, but they were also of a higher quality. And best of all, I wasn't nearly as stressed out anymore.

The AI Author Workflow is composed of multiple mindbendingly good AI powered tools that work together to help you write better, faster, and with less stress. In this chapter, you'll learn about the following tools: Stream Deck, Jasper, CopyPro, Descript, Zoom, Otter.ai, Google Drive, Slack, Asana, Circle, Voice In, and Feedhive.

Elgato Stream Deck

The Elgato Stream Deck is a powerful tool that allows you to automate your content creation process. It's a hardware device that consists of LCD screens that you can use to run custom scripts or macros. You can use these scripts to automate everything from posting on social media to copying and pasting text.

With the help of AI, you can create scripts that will do all the heavy lifting for you, allowing you to focus on writing great content. And since the Stream Deck is a physical device, you'll always have it with you so you can take advantage of those unexpected of inspiration.


Jasper is your AI sidekick that helps you write better, faster, and with less stress. He's an artificial intelligence bot that you can chat with to get help with your writing. He can do everything from suggesting ideas for your next article to editing your existing content.


CopyPro is a tool that helps you create sales copy and templates. It's a powerful AI-powered tool that can help you write better copy faster. With the help of CopyPro, you can sales pages, emails, and social media posts at lightnight speed - especially when paired with Jasper.


Descript is a tool that helps you with editing and post-production. It's an AI-powered tool that can help you edit your audio and video files faster and with more precision. With the help of Descript, you can clean up your audio files, add sound effects, and even transcribe your videos.

There’s even a feature called “Overdub” that used AI to replicate your voice!


Otter.ai is a tool that helps you transcribe your audio files. It's an AI-powered tool that can help you transcribe your audio files faster and with more accuracy. With the help of Otter.ai, you can transcribe your interviews, speeches, and other audio files so you can reference them later.

Voice In

Voice In by Dictanote is a tool that helps you with dictation. It's an AI-powered tool that can help you dictate your content more effectively. With the help of Voice In, you can dictate your articles, blog posts, and even emails.


FeedHive is a tool that helps you with social media automation. It's an AI-powered tool that can help you automate your social media tasks. With the help of Feedhive, you can post to your social media accounts, track your analytics, and even create custom reports so can schedule your content in advance and review your performance later.

Each of these tools can help you save time and be more productive as an author.

To get started, simply choose the tool that best suits your needs and start using it in your workflow.

If you're looking for a more complete solution, consider using all of these tools in combination to create a powerful AI-powered content creation workflow. By using all of these tools together, you can save time, be more productive, and even create better content.

Conclusion: Summary & Action Steps

In conclusion, AutoScripting is a powerful process that can help you streamline your content creation workflow by “programming” Jasper to do the heavy lifting of content creation for you. 

By engineering prompts and stacking commands, you can create custom recipes that will automate your workflows and help you create better content, faster with AI.

Action Steps:

  1. Experiment with the Jasper syntax to see what prompts you create with stacked commands.
  2. Create a custom recipe to streamline your content creation workflow.
  3. Share your custom recipe with the community.

I hope you enjoyed this micro-course on AutoScripting. If you want to learn more about AI content creation, be sure to subscribe to Cookbook+ at theaiauthor.com. We'll send you new training, recipes, and community resources every week along with access to live community events and workshops.

Until next time, 

Darby Rollins

Founder & CEO, The AI Author

Darby Rollins

Darby Rollins is the founder of Gen AI University and a leading AI integration consultant. Darby's AI training and education continues to help people all over the world streamline scale content production with AI. Darby has been featured in publications including The New York Times, Forbes, AdWorld, The Verge, DigitalMarketer, and more. Outside of AI, Darby is also the co-founder and creator behind SideHustle: The Party Game for Entrepreneurs and currently lives in Austin, TX with his fiance Rachel and puppy, Luna.

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